About 2 weeks ago I stumbled upon this blog about granny squares. What it actually is: it's a bunch of girls in different groups crocheting 9 granny squares in their color group. Everybody keeps one and sends the other 8 to the organizer of the whole thing. Then everybody gets 8 back, one from each of the girls in the group. I thought to myself, what a cool idea and wanted to try it. Almost all the girls are in Germany, which that's not a problem. As a matter of fact, after contacting the coordinator she was really nice and reserved me a place for the color group I requested. The problem I ran into, was trying to find the right yarn. I searched high and low on the internet and some local stores for the appropriate one for several days and was about to give up on the whole idea of joining the exchange. I had contacted a few companies, and finally heard back from one. They're in Canada and they do have the wool I need, even though in limited colors, but enough of a selection to participate and they ship to the States, yeah:)
So, after placing my order this week, I'm patiently waiting for my yarn now, so I can get started. The group is called Grannylieseln and you can find them here. There's still some openings for anyone, who'd like to join!